Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ahw Hellz Yeah

So I caved in and started a blog. Balls. I mean. Yes woo fun!

In an attempt to not make it one of those things that I start half heartedly and then give up after two posts, I'm going to be keeping it relatively impersonal. Meaning you won't be able to hear about what I had for breakfast. Sorry. What you will hear will be based around my stark raving mad obsession with the comic art form. The FORM, not the fan agenda. I make comics, I don't have time to read them. This is about what I like to call "comic theory." It's a pretentious little term I devised in order to convince myself I'm not just drawing dumb shit and putting words over it. It's a little more than that, isn't it?

Let's hope so, otherwise this blog will be stupid and contrived.

Other than farting out pseudo-poetic essays on the nature of comics, I'll probably end up discussing the terrors/wonders of the webcomic/self-publishing world and throwing out a couple of technical tutorials. Maybe we'll learn something while I'm blathering on about gutter width affecting the spacetime continuum.

1 comment:

  1. Hee, so proud to be your third follower -salute-
    You may [but probably don't] know me as Mizu-Chick on DA, I'm one of your lovely little stalkers <3

    Good luck, I'll be watching your Blog with bated breath^____^
