Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sketches. Sketches, forever.

In an attempt to try to update this more often, I'm going to start sharing some drawings from my sketchbooks and other various places.

I drew people I saw from the last hour of my second shift at the aquarium last night on a feeding schedule.

Salome from my webcomic, GHOST! From my comic sketchbook/notebook from school. The discussion had tangent-ed into Harry Potter debate at that point haha.

Grave from GHOST! again trying to be a badass but failing.

Grave in Halloween garb because I don't know.

Uhm. :D

Lol character design of a superhero/boyslove comic I've been concepting. HE CONTROLS THE POWER OF THE STARSSSHURP. *sogay*

Rough sketch for a repeating pattern project for school. Of course I'm going overboard as usual. :I

Anddd that's it for now. I have literally an asston of sketches and process pages that just sit here, so if you like seeing this stuff and want to see more of it, let me know. c: