Friday, July 16, 2010

Doing that in that dress would get real old real fast.

While trying to figure out how I'm going tag GHOST! updates when I tweet about them, I started pondering how webcomic artists abuse the advantage of social networking, on-demand search engines, rss feeds, etc. I mean, we're all up in that shit. I mean, the whole point of WEBcomics is that they're on the WEB. You don't have to leave your house.

Then I tried imagining myself trying to be a solo comic artist in 17th century England, but not having the connections or decency to go through proper channels like newspapers so I'd just do this:

I call it barking. (HA.)

Thank god for the internet sometimes because doing that in that dress would get real old real fast.

1 comment:

  1. Lmfao oh my god, I died at "SHEET OF LITERATURE AND DRAWINGS".
